Let our players play, our coaches coach and our fans encourage!
Rules and Regulations
All baseball programs that are run by the North Lake Recreation Club, will abide by the Land O Hills Baseball League rules. The purpose of the league is to allow the players to learn the game of baseball and have fun doing so. The league is not run for the benefit of the coaches or parents. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their team and fans. Heckling by players or fans is not allowed.
Over 35 Rules HERE
5/6 Boys Rules HERE
3/4 Girls Fast Pitch Rules HERE
Coach Pitch Rules HERE
North Lake School District
The North Lake Recreation Club would like to thank the North Lake School district for their support and cooperation in providing our participants with the use of the fields, facilities and restrooms. In the event that a recreation club game or practice should need to be canceled due to a conflict in scheduling with the school district, arrangements will be made with all parties involved as soon as possible. We appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation should such an event arise.
No Smoking/Alcohol Use Policy
The use of all tobacco products or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited by state law on North Lake School district property.
Lost/Stolen Items
The North Lake Recreation Club is not responsible for the personal equipment, clothes, etc. that are lost or stolen during participation in any sponsored activity. If something is missing, please check with your coach and Recreation Club Concession Stand to see if anything has been turned in.
We are Human
Occasionally, errors will be made in communicating information, schedules, etc. The volunteers that run this league will do their very best to prevent any errors.
Parents Support
We work very hard at keeping these programs affordable and fun for children. We encourage parents to help support the North Lake Recreation Club by volunteering to help coach, umpire, work concessions and special events. Volunteers help us keep our program affordable!
All baseball programs that are run by the North Lake Recreation Club, will abide by the Land O Hills Baseball League rules. The purpose of the league is to allow the players to learn the game of baseball and have fun doing so. The league is not run for the benefit of the coaches or parents. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their team and fans. Heckling by players or fans is not allowed.
Over 35 Rules HERE
5/6 Boys Rules HERE
3/4 Girls Fast Pitch Rules HERE
Coach Pitch Rules HERE
North Lake School District
The North Lake Recreation Club would like to thank the North Lake School district for their support and cooperation in providing our participants with the use of the fields, facilities and restrooms. In the event that a recreation club game or practice should need to be canceled due to a conflict in scheduling with the school district, arrangements will be made with all parties involved as soon as possible. We appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation should such an event arise.
No Smoking/Alcohol Use Policy
The use of all tobacco products or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited by state law on North Lake School district property.
Lost/Stolen Items
The North Lake Recreation Club is not responsible for the personal equipment, clothes, etc. that are lost or stolen during participation in any sponsored activity. If something is missing, please check with your coach and Recreation Club Concession Stand to see if anything has been turned in.
We are Human
Occasionally, errors will be made in communicating information, schedules, etc. The volunteers that run this league will do their very best to prevent any errors.
Parents Support
We work very hard at keeping these programs affordable and fun for children. We encourage parents to help support the North Lake Recreation Club by volunteering to help coach, umpire, work concessions and special events. Volunteers help us keep our program affordable!